What Makes MD21 different from other Telehealth providers?

We are completely unique and different in the following ways:

  • We only have Board-certified and top experts only
  •  You have access Broad range of world renowned experts (not just Urgent care)
  • You can Chose your top experts or make appointments world-wide (not just chose doctors from your network or within the state you live in)
  • Unlimited visits with specialists available
  • Global coverage and second opinion
  • Nutritional and Personal trainers at no additional cost
  • Health Kiosks for offices, hotels  or as expansion to your clinic.
  • Advanced biomarker testing and diagnosis
  • Genius Medical Report  and
  • Advanced Employer Health Report Card
  • BlueTooth® device integration (or health app integration) which also integrates into our Genius Medical Report

Why should I use MD21?

MD21 reduces your healthcare costs, improves the healthcare services you receive and increases your access anytime, anywhere.

Do you accept insurance?

While you don’t need to submit to your insurance (as there are no co-pays or hidden fees), many health plans reimburse for telemedicine services upon request. If you would like to submit your MD21 cost to your insurance provider, we will produce a receipt. We also recommend contacting your accountant, as telemedicine services may be tax deductible.

Do I have access to my health data?

Yes. It is our opinion that you should own your health data and have full access to all of your MD21 medical records, including information that we are integrating from third parties (e.g., labs, health apps, diagnostic devices, etc.). For this reason, MD21 built a comprehensive infrastructure and electronic medical record (EMR) system that all of our providers work within and that you can access via your MD21 app and website.

What specialties do you have?

We have a wide range of specialties that we are continually growing. For a comprehensive list of services and specialties, please see “Our Providers”. If you would like to submit to your insurance provider, we will provide you a receipt to submit. We also recommend contacting your accountant, as telemedicine services may be tax deductible.

Who will be my provider?

You decide who your provider will be. With access to our complete list of providers, you select the one you want based on your needs and preferences.

Do you use doctors from developing countries?

While we know many reputable doctors in developing countries, all of our providers are from the USA. We also work with a select group of physicians from western European countries, like Sweden, France and England.

Can you prescribe medicine in all 50 states?


Where is your service available?

We are a global service provider. Our service is available all over the world, in every country and every state.

Do you offer cost reductions or discounts for multiple people or for families?

Yes. Please call us to get our most current pricing information.

Can I get prescriptions from MD21 providers?

Yes. There are occasions when our physicians must prescribe medication, and therefore are able to prescribe a wide range of medications when necessary; medications are only prescribed after all other treatment modalities have failed.

However, please note that we do not prescribe narcotics or pain medications that have been designated as Schedule I, II, III or IV U.S. Controlled Substances. Otherwise, many of the prescriptions available in an office setting for specialized and subspecialized physicians, or in an urgent care, can be prescribed.

How much do I have to pay per appointment?

Nothing! Your monthly fee covers all of your appointment costs.

How many appointments can I have per month?

Unlimited. We don’t put any limits on the number of appointments.

Are there additional fees for longer appointments with my provider(s)?

No, all appointments are covered under the monthly fixed fee.